Contact us
We look forward to connecting with you.
The UBC Child Care Administration Hub is located in the Acadia Neighbourhood at UBC Vancouver. Many of our child care settings are located right nearby, with others located across campus.
UBC Child Care Administration Hub
8:30 am–5:00 pm Monday–Friday
Phone, fax and email
Phone: 604 822 5343
Fax: 604 822 9195
UBC Child Care
2881 Acadia Road
Vancouver, BC V6T 1S1
Annual closures
We have two annual closures: the third week of August and late December (typically December 23 until New Year’s Day). Please note that fees are not reduced for these months.
Visitor info
Our innovative programs receive significant interest from visitors—other educators and administrators, plus researchers, architects, licensing officers and more.
Interested in visiting?
If you are interested in visiting any of our settings, please contact our Child Care Administration Hub to discuss opportunities.
Authorized access only
For the safety, security and privacy of everyone involved, all visitors must be authorized by the Child Care Administration Hub before entering any of our child care settings. Photos may not be taken, unless authorized, and any photos must be restricted to the facilities and equipment—no staff or children.
Pre-acceptance visits for families
Parents, guardians and families are only eligible to visit or tour a setting once they receive an offer.
Research opportunities
We have a long history of collaborating with researchers from UBC and other institutions, and we welcome requests to engage in research projects. To propose a research project at UBC Child Care, please contact our Administration Hub for further information.
Approval for any research projects must be granted by the Child Care Director. Child and family involvement in approved research is entirely voluntary, and no research involving children will be carried out without the consent of individual parents or guardians.
Learn more about job opportunities with UBC Child Care.
Students and volunteers
Learn more about opportunities for practicum students, UBC Work Learn students and volunteers.