Professional development opportunities

We value a culture of continuous learning, self-reflection and professional development.
Here are some of the many professional development opportunities we offer our educators.

Offered by UBC Child Care

While UBC offers employees a wide variety of professional development opportunities, we also directly provide and support opportunities for our educators, such as:

  • Ethics education
  • Communication skill building
  • Team building events and activities
  • Reviewing child guidance
  • Working with and presenting pedagogical narrations/commitments—including an annual pedagogical salon
  • Indigenous learning opportunities—Tea Talks, Good Medicine Walks and an Indigenous Insights newsletter
  • Inclusion education—engagement with the BC Centre for Ability and other Supported Child Development programs

Offered by UBC

UBC offers a variety of programs, resources, and one-to-one support that employees can access to learn and grow professionally. 

These include: 

  • Workplace learning opportunities—such as UBC’s Workplace Learning Ecosystem and free access to LinkedIn Learning
  • Leadership programs
  • Coaching
  • Professional development funding